The GIM Advantage
GIM's team of inspectors, auditors and lab experts are specialized by industry to ensure your products meet all safety and performance standards for your destination market.
The board of any business naturally wants to be confident in the standards of its suppliers. You’ll also want reassurance that your suppliers are capable of meeting the demands of your supply chain.
At Global Inspection Managing, we’re dedicated to helping our clients better understand their suppliers and make the right decisions when choosing between potential suppliers. Our supplier audit programs will help you to gain a full and comprehensive picture of the business practices and policies of your supplier or potential supplier.
During a supplier audit, independent auditors will attend your supplier’s manufacturing site, apply quality control methods and analyse a variety of factors by using several approaches. You’ll then receive a full and detailed audit report that gives you all of the essential information you need. Factors that are looked at during a supplier audit include manufacturing capacity, the management system, structural safety at the site,the supplier’s environmental impact, and its social compliance audit. This gives you an all-round view of your supplier’s facilities and practices.
Through our supplier audit program, we help you to build trust and long-lasting business relationships with your suppliers. Our auditors also help suppliers to understand your requirements and expectations, which in turn aids them in improving the service they provide for you.
There are a number of reasons why a supplier audit is a useful tool for making decisions about your supply chain:
We’re experienced specialists in independent supplier audit programs, providing inspections throughout the world. There are many advantages to using our auditing services:
Our auditors conduct a thorough investigation of your supplier’s facilities, including interviewing staff members, factory tours, and reviewing relevant documentation. We also offer a variety of other audit services, including ethical audits and manufacturer audits. Our range of services allows you to customise your audit and obtain all of the information you need.
If you want to guarantee that your suppliers uphold the highest standards, choose the supplier audit program from Global Inspection Managing. We’re internationally recognised for our auditing services and reports and are dedicated to helping you achieve the highest standards in your supply chain.
GIM nos proporciona informes de inspección para nuestros clientes de la industria de la joyería, mis productos están hechos principalmente de madera (exhibiciones y cajas). Me gusta trabajar con GIM por su eficiencia, atención a los detalles y confiabilidad en sus resultados de inspección.
Después de múltiples problemas en nuestras producciones de libros, le pedimos a GIM que inspeccione cada una de nuestras producciones de libros en China. Su servicio y seguimiento son excelentes y ahora también estamos trabajando con ellos en Vietnam.
En Holam, apreciamos el trabajo de GIM, gracias a la calidad de su servicio y la flexibilidad de sus informes, que satisfacen nuestras necesidades. La calidad de su trabajo se combina con sus informes, que siempre son explícitos y abordan todos los detalles de nuestros productos. Con Gim, las inspecciones son como si las estuviéramos haciendo nosotros mismos.
Somos una empresa especializada en la distribución de productos de regalo en Francia. GIM pudo satisfacer el alcance de nuestras necesidades, tanto en términos de "productos de origen" como en negociaciones con proveedores chinos para permitirnos obtener cantidades razonables que nos permitan expandir nuestra gama de productos. GIM pudo guiarnos en su investigación al monitorear toda la línea de producción hasta el control de calidad. Su capacidad para escuchar, su servicio y su profesionalismo son cualidades que encontramos en GIM.